Sample Affirmations

Here are some examples of affirmations to get you started:

I am deserving of a wonderful life.

I now consciously create the life of my dreams!

I am delighted to be using my talents and abilities in my ideal career position!

I am willing to open my arms and claim the wonderful life I deserve.

I greet the morning with joy and enthusiasm.

I am a money magnet! Unexpected income is always coming my way.

All of my needs are met by the Universal abundance of Spirit.

I choose to embrace thoughts of abundance that nurture and support me.

I believe that money is my friend.

Every cell in my body is alive with health and energy.

My immune system is strong and healthy.

My body has a remarkable capacity for healing.

I love and accept all parts of myself.

I listen closely and open my heart when interacting with others.

I enjoy wonderful associations with positive, uplifting people.

I sleep in peace and wake in joy.

I breathe in and fill my body with trust. I breathe out and let go of my concerns.

I am guided perfectly in any action I need  to take now.

I am joyfully trusting the Universe to create the perfect outcome.

I am joyfully and gratefully receiving miracles in my life right now!

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